We share a passion for horses and have extended our knowledge to animal care.
Since 2015, we have established a unique research collaboration with the department of Equine Sciences of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Utrecht.
Our equine studies are ongoing in 20 veterinary clinics throughout the EU.
Download presentation on Biomechanics and gait analysis in the sport horse.
Intra-patient placebo-controlled open trial to establish the efficacy of active silver-carbon vs. cotton gauze in the treatment of Equine Pastern Dermatitis.
Inclusion/exclusion and post-inclusion removal criteria.
Inclusion criteria:
- Warmblood horse, draft horse or pony
- At least two limbs affected with pastern dermatitis on the posterior, palmar/plantar aspect of the pastern (i.e. excluding (dorso)lateral lesions that may represent leukocytoclastic dermatitis / vasculitis)
- Not treated with topical corticosteroids within the last 2 weeks
Exclusion criteria:
- Severity of condition necessitating systemic (NSAID/corticosteroid) treatment
- Treatment with corticosteroids within the last 2 weeks
Post inclusion removal criteria
- Non-compliance with randomisation.
- Non-compliance with study management procedures.
Participating horse clinics:
- Dierenkliniek de Delta in Maasland, Phone number: 010-5920696
- Paardendokters in Zwaanshoek, Phone number: 0252-534 340
- Dierenkliniek Den Ham, Phone number: 0546-672600
- De Graafschap Dierenartsen in Vorden, Phone number: 0575-587870
- Dierenkliniek Emmeloord, telefoonnummer: Phone number: er 0527-613 500
- Faculteit Diergeneeskunde Utrecht, Ambulante Kliniek voor Phone number:: 030 253 4240
- Dierenkliniek Ridderkerk, Phone number: 0180 - 743 061
- Dierenartsenpraktijk Doetinchem-Zeddam, Phone number: 0314-663000
If you have questions, please let us know at: +31 655738593 or info@researchdrive.com.